Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Before College there is...

Well, Graduation from High School of course! It’s the end of something and the beginning at the same time. But before Graduation is...PROM. meow. I cannot wait, I must say (; Pictures to be posted later! I think if I didn’t have some sort of notebook to right things down in I would become sick with of nothingisplanneditis and quickly die of heartbreak over a failed life. SO, with that said I have been jotting down a playlist of songs I want played at my graduation party and Prom. (I’m very fond of lists, I even have a list of baby names that I like, so that in ten years or so when I’m ready to have a baby, I’ll have a list on hand with a solid selection, and no worries) My list for Graduation goes something like this.( the second half starting with Bottoms up is my idea for Prom) I could go on and on. That’s a very small snippet, if you can believe it. My list for Prom is looking a lot more like Nicki Minaj, booty-shakin’ Ludacris, dirty South framework. . With some Techno and Dub step thrown in, king of prom playlists could be born...unfortunately my school's principal has more Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus in mind for my personal tastes, since when did she get a degree to be a DJ? Tell her to listen to Fratmusic.com sometime! Anyways the after party, err parties are when the real music and fun is going to happen. A night weekend to remember? Let’s hope so :)

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